понеділок, 29 грудня 2008 р.

понеділок, 8 грудня 2008 р.

vs Stegersbach

The match against Stegersbach in 8.November 2008
Ostbahn XI - Stegersbach 2:2(1:1)
My highlights on video:
1:34 Dribbling and pass
1:49 Shoot on crossbar
2:56 Goal

неділя, 7 грудня 2008 р.

vs Rapid Amateure

The match against Rapid Amateure in 25.Oktober 2008
Ostbahn XI - Rapid Amateure 2:0(0:0)
My highlights on video:
0:14 Pass into penaltybox
2:10 Header on goal
2:43 Pass before goal

субота, 6 грудня 2008 р.

vs FAC

The match against Fac in 30.August 2008
Osbahn IX - Fac 1:4(0:2)
My highlights on video:
2:48 Header on crossbar
3:03 Shoot on goal

четвер, 4 грудня 2008 р.

vs WSK

The match against Wiener Sportklub on 1.August 2008
WSK - Ostbahn XI 4:2(2:1)
My highlights on video:
0:48 Goal with head
1:08 Pass into penalty box
1:54 Shoot on goal

середа, 3 грудня 2008 р.

Bycicle Goal and Interview

My nice bycicle goal in dress of WSK against Krems

Interview with me after the game